MAC users would like to buy your course too!

by Rod

Paul, are you EVER going to make this available for people using MAC computers? There are an awful lot of us out here, you know! I've been waiting a long time for you to do this.

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Feb 22, 2010
Why I don't Publish a Mac Format!
by: Paul from

I'm afraid the ebook is not available on the Mac platform and I have no immediate plans to release it in a Mac compatible format.

Unfortunately a Mac compatible or PDF format
doesn't have the capabilities necessary to display the information I have in the e-book. It's more then simple text and photos, there are a few moving animations as in my free e-book, Body Ball Blast and even embedded video footage.

Also a Mac compatible format wouldn't allow for some necessary security features that my e-book uses. To date I have not found a non Windows platform that satisfies my needs and allows me to present my information in the most useful manner possible.

I myself have two Macs, 3 Dells and a Toshiba. I can easily understand your preference of the Mac - things just "look" better on it, the user interface is far greater then anything Windows can do and they're just more efficient.

Unfortunately, the technology is NOT there to present the information in my e-book in the best possible manner. When it is, rest assured I will be one of the first to make use of it. In a recent survey I conducted of the readers of this site, out of the thousands that responded, less than 20 used a Mac.

It's also not strictly true that it isn't Mac compatible. On my Mac laptop I have a rotating OS, called Parallels, and can instantly switch from my Mac OS to Windows OS. Obviously I can view the e-book when running the Windows OS on a Mac machine and you may be able to access the book that way.

All the best,


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