Great Bruce Lee Speed but Effective?

by J lee

Great Bruce Lee Speed but Effective?

OK, I am 15 and I am planning on being a great fighter like Bruce Lee. In my opinion he was the best fighter out there in a lot of aspects. So first off I want to get his body but when I do I want to make my self even better then Bruce Lee.

Bruce was very very fast and in fighting I have learned speed is very important. One of Bruce Lee's quotes was if you want to punch faster then punch faster. Well when I punch it's really fast but if I hit some thing it seems like my fist is just slaping the surface and won't do much damage. When I flex hard and punch so I can do some damage im so slow. How can I fix this?

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Aug 26, 2011
How to
by: Deeerrrkkk

Learn to snap and whip punches tense on contact push through do acceleration exercises to keep your speed up on contact and pay attentionto his one inchnpunch and non telegraphic when he does the one inch its a rotation of the hips and shoulders doin the push when he does the non telegraphic he moves forward like a jab then rotates both small rotations

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