Your routine & Project Dragon

by Paul-Bradford Brown
(Schofield Barracks, HI, U.S.A)

I have Perfect Body, Maximetrics (forgive me if I mispelled that), and I was automatically enrolled into the inner circle. I had already obtained maximetrics from someone, but purchased it from you because in a video of yours, or on a web page, you stated that the inner circle was the replacement for Project Dragon. I don't see much in the inner circle, just a few links, and that's not too big of a deal to me, because what I am really after is information about you. I read the page about your routine and that is what I was seeking when I bought PB & Maximetrics. Unfortunately you've only shown part of your routine. I know I can't do what you're doing yet, but that's what I want. I'm after everything you do for training down to the warm ups, cool downs, aND why your do each thing. Am I missing something? I looked pretty hard and didn't see your full routine. Thanks so much for what you've already given me, but I want to be strong like you. Please help sir.

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Apr 24, 2016
Here's what I do and How I do it
by: Batman from

Hi Paul-Bradford,

Thanks for contacting me. Before I get into your questions, let me first thank you for buying your own copy of Maximetrics. In this digital age it's all too easy for people to steal the products I and others like me create - either via illegal downloading or purchasing a product, downloading it and immediately requesting a refund.The fact that you had been given a copy of Maximetrics illegally is disheartening, but I am greatly appreciative of your recognition of the programs value and paying for it.

As for the Isometric-Mastery, my inner circle, that does contain Project Dragon and additional information and content. Unfortunately one of the problems with Project Dragon is that it was simply too much. Too detailed and too extensive and as such people just couldn't wrap their heads and body's around it. It was overwhelming without my personal direction - which is why I removed it and no longer make it available for purchase as a individual product. In Isometric Mastery the content is released one chapter from each section each month. This allows people to read, digest and implement the program correctly and not fry their brains or their bodies.

As for me and what I do - I've talked about my own personal routines many times and have multiple articles on the topic - however the more accurate question is WHEN I did something? My training is not static, it evolves and progresses over the years and with different goals - for instance you wouldn't want to do my training as it is right now - as I'm trying to get as fat and un-muscular as possible for a new demonstration series, I'm probably in the worst shape of my life right now! ;-)

In addition as you point out you are not me - you're not driven my goals and requirements and they can be drastically different - this why I offer how to use Isometrics as a tool in a number of different ways. They are those that want to be lean and strong and for them there is Perfect Body, there are those looking to be bigger, heavy weight sized body builder style muscle and they have Maximetrics, then there are those that want to focus on losing weight - hence Slim in Seconds and there are those that want elite level cardiovascual fitness and strength, or those in the military and special forces response units and of course martial artists. My goal is to teach people how to use these tools to forge their OWN path. :-) This is also why I offer personal coaching, Everyone is different.

Then there is the question of all the other aspects of what I do - if it's just my workout - you have it, Perfect Body, but that alone isn't what shapes me and produces my results - there's my nutrition, my rest and recovery protocols, sleep patterns, martial arts training, acupuncture etc.

That said, here is a brief rundown of a typical day's and weeks training when I was a Shotokan Karate goal orientated person (emphasis on maximising strength for as low weight as possible, while being forward focused and sufficient bulk and muscle density to make it unattractive to hit me).
Meditate 30 mins
Special Forces Joint Mobility Warm Up (In PB, Maxi, PD, SiS and SST)
Foam Rolling
DFR/SF 4-6 mins (PD and SST)
PB 7 Day rotation @60% 3-10 mins
DSR/Maxi 1 per alternating week 5-7 mins
Kata for 2 hrs.
Iso/PNF stretching
Meditate 30 mins

Other discussion's of my personal routines are here -

Hope that helps.

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